Monday, October 19, 2009

Life sucks and then you die!

I don't entirely believe in that..Hehe, but I'am so bored that I could talk about absolutely ANYTHING...ok maybe not anything, but something!!!:D

Life Sucks and then you Die.....quite harsh don't you think?I just read Breaking Dawn, I think its getting to my head.
When people say that phrase I think that they are just Twilight saga fans who memorize and say every word of it, or are just people who actually believe that Life Sucks and are thinking about suicide...that is well....weird. I mean yes Life has its ups and downs, but if you think about it does life really SUCK?
No, it doesn't, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thats mine.

I mean you get in to a fight with your best friend, your crush likes some one else. Do these things really make life suck?Even a major thing such as your parents divorce is not a issue that should make you think that your life sucks.
What makes your life sucks is how you react towards that change, you can do something to prevent it. You don't have to get in to a fight over your friend if you don't make the mistake of helping it BECOMING in to a fight in the first place. So think about everything in a positive view, in a bright light and you will realize that your life isn't really that bad if you just live through it happily and avoid making mistakes.

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